What is Ki in Martial Arts?
There are many interpretations of what Ki is however at Ki Martial Arts Academy. We define Ki as being breath control and you inner most strength.
Ki is not a physical attribute or some mystical power that is possessed by some people. But is an internal circulating energy that we all possess. It is drawing on all that you have through deep breathing. Breath control and mental focus to build and generate maximum power or allowing you to remain calm and focussed. So that you can perform at the best of your ability, irrespective of the situation at hand.
What is the concept of Ki?
Ki, also known as qi or chi, is a concept in martial arts that refers to the life force or energy that flows through all living things. It is often considered to be the source of power and vitality in martial arts practices. And is believed to be the key to unlocking one’s full potential in physical and mental pursuits. Some martial arts traditions place a great deal of emphasis on the cultivation and control of Ki, and specific techniques and exercises are often used to develop and harness this energy.
As humans, we only perform at our best when we are relaxed and focussed.
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